Online Sermons

Online Sermons

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
05/24/15 Pain Nick Paden Sermon Preacher Trainee 2015 Sun PM 15-05-24PM-Pain.mp3
05/24/15 Who is Jesus? - King of Righteousness Dwayne Gandy Sermon Who is Jesus? Sun AM 15-05-24AM-WhoIsJesus-KingofRighteousness.mp3 17_-_The_King_of_Righteousness.ppt 17_-_King_of_Righteousness.pdf
05/17/15 The Saving of a Nation Dwayne Gandy Sermon N/A Sun AM 15-05-17PM-TheSavingofaNation.mp3
05/17/15 Who is Jesus? The Prince of Peace Dwayne Gandy Sermon Who is Jesus? Sun AM 15-05-17AM-ThePrinceofPeace.mp3 16_-_Prince_of_Peace.ppt 16_-_Prince_of_Peace.pdf
05/10/15 Who is Jesus? The Son of Mary Dwayne Gandy Sermon Who is Jesus? Sun AM Son_of_Mary.ppt son_of_Mary.pdf
05/03/15 Choices Dwayne Gandy Sermon N/A Sun PM 15-05-03PM-Choices.mp3
05/03/15 Who is Jesus? - Royalty Dwayne Gandy Sermon Who is Jesus? Sun AM 15_-_Royalty.ppt 15_-_Royalty.pdf
04/26/15 What Happens When We Die Dwayne Gandy Sermon N/A Sun PM 15-04-26PM-WhatHappensWhenWeDie.mp3
04/26/15 Who is Jesus? God Dwayne Gandy Sermon Who is Jesus? Sun AM 15-04-26AM-WhoisJesus-God.mp3 14_-_God.ppt 14_-_God.pdf
04/24/15 What Heaven Is All About Paul Earnhart Gospel Meeting God, His Plan and His Purpose Friday PM 15-04-24PM-WhatHeavenisAllAbout.mp3
04/23/15 Worship As A Way of Life Paul Earnhart Gospel Meeting God, His Plan and His Purpose Thursday PM 15-04-23PM-WorshipasaWayofLife.mp3
04/22/15 How Do You See the Church? Paul Earnhart Gospel Meeting God, His Plan and His Purpose Wednesday PM 15-04-22PM-HowDoYouSeeTheChurch.mp3
04/21/15 The Cost of Following Jesus Paul Earnhart Gospel Meeting God, His Plan and His Purpose Tuesday PM 15-04-21PM-TheCostofFollowingJesus.mp3
04/20/15 What It Means To Believe In Jesus Paul Earnhart Gospel Meeting God, His Plan and His Purpose Monday PM 15-04-20PM-WhatItMeansToBelieveInJesus.mp3
04/19/15 The Lamb of God Paul Earnhart Gospel Meeting God, His Plan and His Purpose Sun PM 15-04-19PM-TheLambofGod.mp3
04/19/15 Vision of the Holy God Paul Earnhart Gospel Meeting God, His Plan and His Purpose Sun AM 15-04-19AM-.mp3
04/12/15 Who is Jesus - Son of God 2 Dwayne Gandy Sermon Who is Jesus? Sun AM 15-04-12AM-WhoisJesus-TheSonofGod-Part2.mp3 13_-_Son_of_God_2.ppt 13_-_Son_of_God_-_2.pdf
04/05/15 Who is Jesus? - The Son of God - 1 Dwayne Gandy Sermon Who is Jesus? Sun AM 15-04-05AM-WhoisJesus-TheSonofGod-Part1.mp3 12_-_The_Son_of_God.ppt 12_-_The_Son_of_God_-_1.pdf
03/29/15 Who is Jesus - Fulfiller of Prophecy Dwayne Gandy Sermon Who is Jesus? Sun AM 15-03-29AM-WhoIsJesusFulfillerofProphecy.mp3 11_-_The_Fulfiller_of_Prophecy.ppt 11-_Fulfiller_of_Prophecy.pdf
03/22/15 The Name of the Church Dwayne Gandy Sermon N/A Sun PM 15-03-22PM-.mp3
03/22/15 Who is Jesus - The Suffering Savior - 3 Dwayne Gandy Sermon Who is Jesus? Sun AM 15-03-22AM-WhoIsJesus-TheSufferingSavior.mp3 10_-_The_Suffering_Savior_-_3.ppt
03/15/15 My Christianity Bruce Shearer Sermon N/A Sun AM 15-03-15AM-MyChristianity.mp3
03/08/15 Characteristics of a Successful Believer Jason Lancaster Sermon 3rd Sunday PM Sun PM 15-03-08PM-CharacteristicsofaSuccessfulBeliever.mp3
03/08/15 Being Content In A Country of Luxury Nick Paden Sermon N/A Sun AM 15-03-08AM-BeingContentInTheCountryofLuxiury.mp3
03/01/15 Who is Jesus? - Suffering Savior 2 - Isaiah 53 Dwayne Gandy Sermon Who is Jesus? Sun AM 15-03-01PM-SufferingSaviorPart2.mp3 09_-_The_Suffering_Savior_-_02.ppt 09_-_The_Suffering_Savior.pdf

Displaying 1226 - 1250 of 1328

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